Driver stopped in Rugby thought his attempt to pretend he was insured was funny - police got the last laugh

Photo: OPU Warwickshire, Facebook.Photo: OPU Warwickshire, Facebook.
Photo: OPU Warwickshire, Facebook. | ugc
Unsurprisingly, the driver's rather strange attempt to fool officers failed.

The driver of a Volkswagen stopped seeing the funny side of an encounter with the police when his attempt at pretending he was insured was foiled.

Officers from OPU (Operational Patrol Unit) Warwickshire stopped the Volkswagen Bora in a car park at the Rugby Gateway site on Sunday, February 23.

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A spokesperson for the unit said: "This splendid automobile was stopped.

"Driver thought it amusing to give his father's details as he is the only one insured.

"Unfortunately we located his father's photo. It's fair to say our driver didn't look like a chap in his late 40s.

"He didn't find it so amusing then."

The car was seized and officers reported the driver.